SMART Volunteering for Female Migrants, European Economic Social Committee
Brussels, 22 November 2019
On 21 November we held the final conference of the EU-Funded AMIF project “SMART Volunteering for Female Migrants“, hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), that focused on a multi-stakeholder approach to labour integration of migrant women by means of structured volunteering, as a potential path to employment in Europe.
Over 60 participants, including the EU-wide platforms, policy-makers, specialist NGOs and individual migrant women, came together to listen, exchange and discuss the intersections between employment, volunteering and migration policies, with specific focus on highly skilled migrant women, and the role different actors – such as NGOs, business and migrant women themselves – can play in facilitating female migrants’ access to labour market.
The morning sessions included the SMART partners’ presentations with project findings, methodology of Mentoring Circles for migrant women, Diversity Circles for Businesses, SMART Volunteering for NGOs, the testimonies of migrant women who participated in the project , as well as the panel with external experts.
In the afternoon we held parallel multi-stakeholder workshops to further elaborate how the results of the project can be enhanced and incorporated into policy-making at the EU level and as well as the national/local level actions on labour participation and integration of migrant women.
WATCH THE EXPERT PANEL (Speakers: Justyna Głodowska-Wernert, European Commission (EC), DG Home, Esther Lynch of European Trade Union Confederation, Anila Noor of New Women Connectors, Modi Ntambwe of Refi Belgium, moderated by Anna Zobnina of ENoMW)
Alternative Approaches to Skill Development Workshop Sinem Yilmaz, ENOMW Brussels Office Multi-Stakeholder Approach Workshop Anila Noor, New Women Connectors Expert Panel Presenters Shukri Ahmed, SMART participant , Belgium SMART Team and participants
Project Partners: Elan (FR), Inova (UK), Incoma (ES), MateraHub (IT), Cardet (CY), Programma Integra (IT), Chamber of Commerce of Seville (ES), ENOMW (BE).

co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union