Unseen victims, untold stories – Why violence faced by asylum seeking and refugee women remains invisible in the European Union?
Tuesday, September 17, 2019, 11:00 – 13:00
COPERNICO SCIENCE14, 14b Rue de la Science, Brussels
We warmly invite you on the 17th of September at 11 am, to discuss, what can be done to assure that asylum seeking women victims of gender-based violence can access their rights in the European Union.
In this event we will present findings from a project titled “Co-creating a counselling method for refugee women gender-based violence victims” funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme. In the project we used innovative research methodologies to collect information on the phenomena of gender-based violence in the refugee context, and to uncover the stories of the women.
We will present to you an overarching storyline of gender-based violence against women in the refugee context; how gender-based violence is pushing women to migrate, what happens during the journey to Europe, and how asylum seeking women are often revictimized in the EU.
We want to raise discussion on why reporting gender-based violence incidents to the police is not a primary concern of refugee women, and share our concern that these women are a group of victims of crime who do not have full access to victims’ rights in the EU.
We will also present a practical tool, a counselling method, developed in the project to assist these women. The counselling method co-created together with practitioners from seven partner organizations in six member states (Germany, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Finland and Italy) is described in a handbook to be launched at the event. After the event a networking lunch.
SOLWODI Deutschland e.V.
The European Network of Migrant Women
European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI)
Further information on the programme will follow soon.
You can register in advance: info@migrantwomennetwork.org
Looking forward to meeting you in September!